Help me understand why I could not stop laughing watching this apparently serious video?
My wife and I both chuckled in a few spots even though he wasn't meaning to be funny. He has a humorous way of expressing himself at times.
help me understand why i could not stop laughing watching this apparently serious video?.
Help me understand why I could not stop laughing watching this apparently serious video?
My wife and I both chuckled in a few spots even though he wasn't meaning to be funny. He has a humorous way of expressing himself at times.
the latest issue of the watchtower shows a man with a beard praying.. .
i fully expected to see him 'progress' to clean-shaven in the following pictures, but instead he is still bearded when 'applying bible principles'.. .
i then realized that he was already featured on the cover itself.. .
2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses.
we warmly invite you to watch this year’s three-day convention presented by jehovah’s witnesses.
as a result of the novel coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, this year’s convention program is being presented online at
What about the single people? The only thing good about the assemblies was seeing your friends and meeting girls from other places. It’s going to be more and more difficult for JWs to “ marry in the lord” when they can’t meet anyone in person anymore .
for the record i'm agnostic, never seen any direct evidence of spirits, afterlife, etc.
i've been visiting my mother during this corona ordeal.
a year ago i had a dream i was much older and talking to somebody about how my mom died this year but it was avoidable.
Sometimes things that typically happen randomly, happen in an orderly way. When you deal out a hand when playing cards, your odds of dealing the same hand twice is 1 in 8.06581752 x 1067.
That being the case, each hand that is dealt, no matter what cards you get, is kind of a miracle in itself because the odds of them coming out the way they did, is so random. If you were to get an Ace of spades as well as a 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 of spades. That would be a case of random things that happened in an orderly way rather than a miracle.
I often have feelings of Deja vu' but I realize it has more to do with my tendency to get time sequences mixd up. It's hard to explain but sometimes I see something happen in real time but my mind races ahead and starts looking backwards and begins remembering what I just saw, as if it happened before.
i can never get my head around this one ?
don`t the powers that be ever really investigate religions that claim exemption from paying taxes because they claim they are a not for profit religion ?.
you would have to be a brain dead imbecile not to see that the religion known as the" watchtower bible and tract society" otherwise known as "jehovah`s witnesses" are nothing more than a religious publishing house that have made x amount of $$$$$ over the years since their inception in the late 1800`s to this day.
How have JW's ever gotten away with being a tax exempt religion?
And, if Governments are backed by Satan, why are they so helpful in regard to JW's in regard to the paying of taxes and i coming to their defense if their freedoms are encroached upon, even when JW's pride themselves as not being part of the religious world, say awful things about the government and other religions and barely qualify (if at all) as a charity organization?
just before the pandemic affected my area, a couple of jws came to my door.
this was the first time i didn't tell them to hit the road but instead had a pleasant conversation with them.
i never revealed that i am a former jw, nor do i ever want the jws in my area to know that i was ever one.
You could say “I certainly is good news Isn’t it? The best part is that because of Jesus sacrifice, there’s no reason I shouldn’t be part of it too... just as I am! Looks like it’s a way off yet though, since instead of turning on religion as predicted, Donald Trump declared churches to be “essential services”? Im sure that includes yours too!
my wife was reading this book and telling me how much she enjoyed it and looked up the quote below to share it with me.
i quite enjoyed it, so i'm sharing it with you, for what it's worth:strange, indeed, that you should not have suspected that your universe and its contents were only dreams, visions, fiction!
strange, because they are so frankly and hysterically insane—like all dreams: a god who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice and invented hell—mouths mercy and invented hell—mouths golden rules, and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites a poor, abused slave to worship him.
who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body;
It occurred to me as I read the words above that if there really are such things as angels, we don't know what their history is/was and what their "kind" went through before humans were "created". We assume a lot about them simply because the Bible doesn't give us much detail about angels. Maybe God had just as many problems with them in their beginning as he did with humans. Apart from our own history according to the Bible, we don't know what his track records in terms of success with his creations. Look at Satan (if he exists) and what he and his demons were capable of doing even thought they were right there in "heaven" with God. Why do we assume that all is well with heavenly creatures and that we are the only ones in the universe with problems?
what do you think about this?.
Anyway....back to the topic. Trumps Declares Houses of Worship Essential Service
I thought according to JW's, the Government would be turning on Religions in the last days. In this case, it is calling it "essential and encouraging religion services to resume. Of course we know it is election time so I'm sure Mr. T is wanting the churchgoers on his side come voting time.
i can never get my head around this one ?
don`t the powers that be ever really investigate religions that claim exemption from paying taxes because they claim they are a not for profit religion ?.
you would have to be a brain dead imbecile not to see that the religion known as the" watchtower bible and tract society" otherwise known as "jehovah`s witnesses" are nothing more than a religious publishing house that have made x amount of $$$$$ over the years since their inception in the late 1800`s to this day.
3 hours ago
You pay taxes if your activity is business related. JWs are mostly giving away litterature and videos
That's why a number of years ago they went to the "contribution or donation" method when JW"s get the literature at the Hall. They said this was a loving simplification to make things easier for the brothers but in reality it was because the Feds found out they were selling the literature to the publishers in the Kingdom Hall without collecting the required sales tax. They aren't giving anything away in fact I believe they found that they wound up collecting more money this way because the "brothers" ended up shelling out more when they donated than they would have if they had paid directly. Thus evidence of Jehovah's approval of the new arrangement.
so if the bible is the inspired word of god and i don't believe it is by any stretch, how did adam when he was kicked out of the garden of eden know what a spinning sword was?
did adam invent swords?
more bible non sense garbage.
After wondering where they got the Iron Ore to make the steel and how he even knew what steel was made from, Adam's first thought after seeing the spinning sword was " of those thingies would sure make shaving and haircuts easier".
Eve first thought was " I could slice a whole lot of apples if I had one of those".